
Face-to-face CYCLE LITERACY program

Menstrual wellbeing delivered by a teacher that
gets students to open up within minutes

Available in Sydney NSW or by booking a tour to your area.
Outside Sydney? Our ONLINE PROGRAMS are available Australia-wide.

Prevents period suffering & improves body positivity:

1. Menstrual health literacy

Understand & embrace cycle changes

2. Recognising abnormalities

Early detection of menstrual conditions

3. Pain screening

Determines if their pain warrants seeing a doctor

4. Help-seeking

Skills for when & how to seek help

5. Self-managment

Practical strategies for pain/symptom management

6. Period products

Products to stay comfortable & participating during periods


of students said they had improved help-seeking knowledge afterwards


said the program would be informative for other students


of students believe it will help them have a better period experience

Cycle Literacy program options:

- Catered for year 5-12
- Grows with students throughout stages of adolescence

1 cohort

1 cohort completes the
Cycle Literacy program
over 2 days

2 cohorts

2 cohorts complete the
Cycle Literacy program
over 2 days each

Annual delivery

Cycle literacy program
+ Senior presentation
delivered over year 7, 9 and 11

 Presented by a NSW teacher

Demi Spaccavento – 15 years in the classroom


  Written by experts

Teachers, menstrual health practitioners, nurses

Cycle Literacy program

Get's students talking about the 'uncomfortable stuff' for a better period


This program creates positive body mindsets & fights stigma around body image and the menstrual cycle.
Students learn research-based practical strategies to:
– Be friends with their body
– Minimise period symptoms
– Have less sick days during their period
– Thrive in school, sport and life during their period
– Seek medical help when needed

Content includes and goes beyond Health syllabus content.

Pricing:  Contact us for a quote 

Session 1 – 90 min session (60mins for primary)

  • Menstrual cycle phases
  • How to navigate emotional, physical, hormonal changes of cycle
  • Cervical fluid (discharge)
  • Reproductive anatomy
  • Ovulation, and how it impacts period timing
  • Cycle tracking & how to accurately predict your next period
  • When pregnancy is and isn’t possible
  • Sustainable period products (period cups, period underwear, pads & tampons)
  • Optional: Build positive body image (customise: puberty, social media, body confidence)
  • PDHPE & Science syllabus outcomes (email to request program mapped to outcomes)

Session 2 – 90 min session (60mins for primary)

  • Common period irregularities – pain, PMS, heavy periods, missing periods
  • Recognising signs of teenage health conditions (PCOS, endometriosis)
  • Period pain screening – determines if pain levels warrant seeing a doctor
  • How and when to seek medical help
  • Self-management strategies for period symptoms
  • Stress management strategies for better hormonal health
  • Nutrition, exercise and sleep strategies for hormone balance
  • Preventing menstrual health from hindering school, study and social activities

Sessions are delivered on separate days


Senior presentation

Students equipped to navigate lifelong reproductive health


Equips students to leave school feeling confident about navigating their life-long reproductive health.
This presentation includes information about breast checks, vaginal infections, STIs, and making informed decisions about contraceptive choices, including the risks/benefits.

Content includes and goes beyond Health syllabus content.

Pricing:  Contact us for a quote 

60 min session
(90 mins if CYCLE LITERACY program as not been completed prior)

  • Breast checks and breast health
  • Vaginal infections (symptoms, prevention, seeking treatment)
  • STIs (causes, symptoms, prevention, seeking treatment)
  • Informed contraceptive choices (including contraceptives prescribed for period irregularities)
  • Birth control drugs – risks, benefits, side effects and alternatives 
  • Cervical screenings (how they work, when to get one)

"Students will keep missing class & sport
if we don't give them tools to manage period symptoms."

Parent night

Don't limit student's support network!
Empowers open conversations at home

1 hour event

Parents OR parents & students combined (school’s choice)

Pricing:  Contact us for a quote 

60 min session

  • What symptoms are ‘typical’ and what’s not
  • When to seek help for period symptoms
  • Most effective self-management techniques for pain
  • Navigating the emotional side of the menstrual cycle
  • Emerging period products (period underwear, period swimwear, period cups)
  • Reframing periods as a positive experience


“A single father called me to say thank you for opening up this conversation with his daughter”
– Anonymous teacher



"This was so impactful that even the students who only half listened still know more about periods than most adults"

“It was so good to see the girls engaged the entire time and they felt informed and empowered to make better health choices – so thank you.”
Rosemary (teacher)

“Only heard positive things from the girls 🤩” 
– Tyla (teacher)

“OMG! What a wonderful presentation! Our girls were so engaged, and learnt so much!”
– Tracy (teacher)
“She creates the perfect environment for students where they can feel comfortable enough to ask the tough questions and gain a deeper understanding about their health. Our students loved the presentation and we will definitely be inviting her back to present again in future!” 
– Anonymous teacher
“It was an amazing experience for the girls involved. we had girls from year 8, 9 and 10 who were a challenging group, who were all absolutely enthralled and engaged for the entire 2 hour period. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anybody.”
Matthew  (teacher)
“You captured the students straight away with being in touch with what their interests are.”  
– Anonymous teacher
“I spoke to a group of girls at recess to get their feedback and their responses were: “It was really good” “We could relate to her. She’s just like us” “She was inspiring!”  
– Sally (teacher)
“The girls really enjoyed it. I thought the talk was really well prepared and presented. Demi herself was really professional and presented the material in a really personable manner. She certainly had the girls laughing within the first few minutes and that made it a really enjoyable presentation”
– Alison (teacher)

It was highly engaging and the information was presented to students in a safe and inclusive environment.”
-Nicole (teacher)

“The presentation went very well. Students were engaged with the content and participated well in the discussion groups. It was very worthwhile.” 
– Sarah (teacher)

“Bright Girl Health was extremely informative and engaging, from a relatable perspective. She got the girl’s thinking about the importance of their menstrual health, as well as opening up the uncomfortable conversation to assist in normalising it across the cohort! Can’t wait to have her back at our school next year.”
 – Chloe (teacher)


“I know that the more trustworthy information my girls have about healthy living and their own bodies, the better equipped they are to deal with growing into secure and confident young women” 
– Janine (teacher)

“Understanding their body and seeing that they did not need to suffer in silence; that they could broach this subject in a safe environment and would not be laughed at.”
– Roshini (teacher)

“They really felt empowered after the discussion.”
– Nicole (teacher)

“I also had a single father call me this afternoon to say thank you for opening up this conversation with his daughter, so that was a lovely outcome!”
– Anonymous teacher

“Bright Girl Health equips young people with a voice and allows them to be confident with who they are. Bright Girl Health takes away the anxiety and fear of having a period and replaces it with knowledge and value. I highly recommend this seminar for any school!” 
– Rebecca (teacher)

“Demi communicated brilliantly to our students from years 7 through to year 12, and our girls left the presentation feeling equipped with a clearer understanding of their bodies and the changes they will experience.” 

– Anonymous teacher


“Students walk away with more knowledge and understanding about their body and also how to look after themselves. My students enjoyed the presentation.”
– Jessica (teacher)

“The Girls walked out learning heaps and really enjoyed themselves and asked more questions than we even had time for. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anybody.”  
– Anonymous teacher

“Demi tailored the content to the needs of the cohort and used age appropriate language and anecdotes to explain key ideas in a clear and concise manner. She offered a wealth of advice and made recommendations that addressed the needs of a diverse student group.”
– Effie (teacher)



“We had Bright Girl Health conduct a presentation for neurodiverse teen girls that discussed periods, moods, self-concept, social media, and identity. Absolutely amazing and would recommend for all community’s that have their youth’s embarking on this journey. Demi was thorough and considerate of the diversity in the room and was consistent with planned events throughout the day whilst being attentive to each individuals needs. Would greatly recommend”
– Danielle


“We have a demographic of very low socio-economic families, with a high percentage of disjointed family units – the gifts you provided were so appreciated by our girls – Thank you!”
– Anonymous teacher

“Our senior student were able to learn about the various phases of the menstrual cycle, breast health, STI’s, when to seek advice from a professional as well as the importance of tracking their cycle in order to determine ovulation and various period hygiene products that are available to them in order to make an informed decision.”
– Ebony (teacher)

“It was presented to students in a safe and inclusive environment.
Nicole (teacher)

“She took the time to sit with me and understand the demographic of our students in order to provide the best presentation for them.” 
– Tiarne (teacher)

“Demi is a highly engaging, honest and encouraging speaker who inspired our Year 7s to learn and talk about topics that they would have otherwise been embarrassed to explore” 
– Effie (teacher)

You are a wonderful presenter – making it very real for students.” 
– Tracy (teacher)


“From the start of the booking process, through to the follow up after the event, her communication, delivery and professionalism was second to none.” 
– Tiarne (teacher)

“Students learn about the menstrual cycle either from their mother or school (which can be quite syllabussy/textbooky). Presenting this to them from someone that they do not know instantly makes students feel more comfortable and wanting to share their experiences/knowledge.” 
– Anonymous teacher
“They provided programs with outcomes mapped to teaching content, teacher resources, parent info kits, permission notes – everything we needed to make the event happen. They organised products and vouchers for our girls to take home from the event, and even helped us find a wellbeing seminar presenter for our boys! They have created a movement that is so necessary for young girls. I cannot recommend Bright Girl Health highly enough!” 
– Anonymous teacher
“Demi is very informative. She doesn’t blush at questions and is very professional in her approach to all things female. She is also very well respected by our students. As a result when she speaks with well researched authority they know it is also in love and they listen” 
– Tina (teacher)
“From booking through to presenting everything was professional, timely and suited to the needs of the student demograph. I truly appreciate how adaptable you were in creating more resources to provide the students with knowledge that we are unable to cover. Definitely a must for any female student trying to gain control of their menstrual cycle” 
– Anonymous teacher
“It didn’t come across as a seminar and just another talk. You caught their attention and were relevant to them. I think the way you broke it up with little hacks and discussion was good – this makes them accountable on the spot. Sometimes these things go in, but not much happens after that. The fact that you made them talk about it right there was great. You created a safe place for them to feel comfortable to share. It was SOOOOOOOOOOO good.” 
– Sally (teacher)
“The girls said they felt safe to talk to you and like the environment was safe to share with the other people. They enjoyed your sense of humour.” 
– Beth (teacher)
“Demi is a dynamic and engaging educator with a passion for women’s health and education. Bright Girl Health will empower young women during puberty and beyond” 
– Melanie (teacher)

“Demi was incredibly engaging and informative in her presentation to our senior students.”
– Ebony (teacher)

“OMG! What a wonderful presentation! Our girls were so engaged, and learnt so much! You are a wonderful presenter – making it very real for students.” – Tracy (teacher)

“I can’t recommend these presentations highly enough.”
– Year 12 year advisor

“They really felt empowered after the discussion.”
– Nicole (teacher)

“Bright Girl Health was extremely informative and engaging, from a relatable perspective. She got the girl’s thinking about the importance of their menstrual health, as well as opening up the uncomfortable conversation to assist in normalising it across the cohort! Can’t wait to have her back at our school next year.”
 – Chloe (teacher)

“I spoke to a group of girls at recess to get their feedback and their responses were: “It was really good” “We could relate to her. She’s just like us” “She was inspiring!”  
– Sally (teacher)

“It was an amazing experience for the girls involved. we had girls from year 8, 9 and 10 who were a challenging group, who were all absolutely enthralled and engaged for the entire 2 hour period. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anybody.”
Matthew  (teacher)

“The Girls walked out learning heaps and really enjoyed themselves and asked more questions than we even had time for. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anybody.”  
– Anonymous teacher

“Demi communicated brilliantly to our students from years 7 through to year 12, and our girls left the presentation feeling equipped with a clearer understanding of their bodies and the changes they will experience.” 
– Anonymous teacher

“Only heard positive things from the girls 🤩” 
– Tyla (teacher)

“It surpassed my expectations”
– Anonymous teacher

“It was so good to see the girls engaged the entire time and most felt informed and empowered to make better health choices – so thank you.”
– Anonymous teacher

“She creates the perfect environment for students where they can feel comfortable enough to ask the tough questions and gain a deeper understanding about their health. Our students loved the presentation and we will definitely be inviting her back to present again in future!” 
– Anonymous teacher

“The presentation went very well. Students were engaged with the content and participated well in the discussion groups. It was very worthwhile.” – Sarah (teacher)

“The girls had such an amazing day and they loved you coming on to answer the questions.
Your presentation was so great, the girls found you very engaging and loved the activities.” 
– Anonymous facilitator

“The online sessions were really well received and we will definitely be making use of the additional resources that you have sent through” 
– Karen (teacher)

“We enjoyed it.  I also had a lot of families send their thanks too!” 
– Anonymous teacher

“Thank you for all of this. I really appreciate how easy it has been to book and all the resources which are supplied.” – Jorja (teacher)

We had a great time! It is my first time watching the presentations and I loved it – I actually learnt so much myself! The girls had lots of questions, so we have answered what we can and we will heave heaps for the Q and A next week. They liked looking at the period products, that was probably the most helpful part because they needed to understand the mechanics! I don’t think they have been properly shown those things. I also had a single father call me this afternoon to say thank you for opening up this conversation with his daughter, so that was a lovely outcome!”
– Anonymous teacher

“It went great! The girls really enjoyed it.”
– Anonymous teacher


Helping students to work with the physical, mental and emotional changes of the menstrual cycle, rather than against them.

 Presented by a NSW teacher

Demi Spaccavento – 15 years in the classroom


  Written by experts

Teachers, menstrual health practitioners, nurses

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