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Beat PMS cravings with chocolate banana ice-cream

Why do we always crave chocolate on our period?!One reason why we might find ourselves staring into the fridge looking for something to satisfy our cravings the week before our period is our serotonin levels. Serotonin is a hormones involved in regulation of mood, sleep and eating behaviour. There is evidence that our period hormone levels affect serotonin […]
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What to do when your period is missing: Teenagers

Missing periods: How many months until I should be worried? It’s common for teenage periods to go missing. Many people experience this. When it’s missing for longer than 3 months, it’s our body’s way of tapping us on the shoulder, letting us know that something is standing in the way of a period happening. By reading this […]
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Tempdrop vs. Oral thermometer – Are they the same?

What’s the difference between oral BBT thermomerters & Tempdrop? The temperatures from your Tempdrop will not be the same as the temperatures from your oral thermometer each day… and that’s ok! They don’t need to be the same because they obtain your temperature in a different way. The most important thing for accurate results is […]
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